USBC Awards & Applications

USBC Awards & Applications

The USBC has made some changes to the award structure, and made some design changes to some of the pre-existing awards.  To get a glimpse of these awards, check out the link below.  If you need more award applications for High Scores or Special Achievements, you can also download them by clicking the link below.


Mid-Hudson Awards


USBC Awards & Applications


2007-08 USBC Award Changes


Monthly Meeting

Ask any Officer or Director for details


2024-2025 Honor Board

The honor board displays awards based on the season the awards were achieved. However, the award processing fiscal year for USBC is 8/1 through 7/31. Bowlers are eligible for awards during USBC's award processing fiscal year which starts/ends in the middle of summer leagues. If you are trying to verify a bowler is eligible for an award in the current WINTER season, you must also check the previous season achievements to see if the award was achieved on or after 8/1.

300 Game

Derek C. Delaney300Sep 16, 2024more...
Kyle Stevens300Sep 16, 2024more...

800 Series

Derek C. Delaney817Sep 16, 2024more...
Joseph J. Powell801Sep 03, 2024more...
821Sep 17, 2024more...
Matthew S. Terwilliger835Sep 22, 2024more...


Christa A. Reebe148Sep 12, 2024more...

75 Pins Over

Kutory T. Alexander256Sep 12, 2024more...
Bernie Arce Jr.297Sep 30, 2024more...
Charles P. Babb277Oct 02, 2024more...
Ryan R. Bilyeu232Sep 22, 2024more...
Chris G. Blaison275Sep 30, 2024more...
Matthew T. Bush266Sep 04, 2024more...
Dominick E. Decker287Oct 01, 2024more...
Paul M. Decker278Oct 08, 2024more...
Derek C. Delaney300Sep 16, 2024more...
Chris M. Dell'accio244Sep 11, 2024more...
Kyle Felter277Sep 24, 2024more...
Theresa E. Gayton289Sep 04, 2024more...
Charles D. Greene233Sep 25, 2024more...
Kris R. Hamilton256Oct 03, 2024more...
Jonathan D. Horn297Sep 04, 2024more...
Mark A. Idsall265Sep 10, 2024more...
Michael J. Lemin II258Oct 09, 2024more...
John Marasa268Aug 26, 2024more...
Dominick A. Margiotta279Sep 24, 2024more...
John A. Martin288Oct 03, 2024more...
Jennifer Matteson289Sep 15, 2024more...
William Mccollum258Sep 11, 2024more...
Elizabeth M. Mccombs239Sep 05, 2024more...
Deshauna Mcqueen244Oct 09, 2024more...
John V. Miller Jr.289Sep 30, 2024more...
Francisco Morales II256Sep 15, 2024more...
Donovan Morin264Sep 11, 2024more...
John C. Morin III298Sep 08, 2024more...
Tyler R. Ofeldt255Sep 25, 2024more...
Jannine M. Petruzzini254Sep 22, 2024more...
Anthony J. Petutis253Sep 12, 2024more...
Steven A. Piciocchi245Aug 26, 2024more...
Daniel R. Schiavone254Sep 10, 2024more...
Dylan Skurnick235Sep 24, 2024more...
Chris M. Slattery289Aug 26, 2024more...
Rodney S. Smith269Oct 08, 2024more...
Kevin M. Stewart254Sep 12, 2024more...
David V. Tragis Jr.276Oct 03, 2024more...
Anthony Tuccillo247Sep 03, 2024more...
Chris M. Vanriper289Sep 19, 2024more...
Marvin Warner288Sep 25, 2024more...
Matthew J. Weller279Sep 12, 2024more...

125 Pins Over - Senior

Carol A. Debiec537Oct 03, 2024more...

140 Pins Over

Ryan R. Bilyeu613Sep 22, 2024more...
Chris G. Blaison743Sep 30, 2024more...
Matthew T. Bush713Sep 04, 2024more...
Darryl Collins674Oct 08, 2024more...
Carol A. Debiec537Oct 03, 2024more...
Derek C. Delaney817Sep 16, 2024more...
Kyle Felter726Sep 24, 2024more...
Robert A. Galeano650Oct 08, 2024more...
Chester E. Grant737Sep 23, 2024more...
Mark A. Idsall667Sep 10, 2024more...
Tyler R. Ofeldt696Sep 25, 2024more...
Jaryl D. Scott796Sep 11, 2024more...
Marvin Warner715Sep 25, 2024more...

600 Series

(175 average or less)

Kutory T. Alexander608Sep 12, 2024more...
Ryan R. Bilyeu613Sep 22, 2024more...
Darryl Collins674Oct 08, 2024more...
Robert A. Galeano650Oct 08, 2024more...
Dawn E. Gregg-Scarpulla621Sep 05, 2024more...
Kris R. Hamilton658Oct 03, 2024more...
Mark A. Idsall667Sep 10, 2024more...
William Mccollum620Oct 09, 2024more...
James D. Miedema Jr.621Sep 19, 2024more...
Samanth Jo Muller609Sep 10, 2024more...
Patricia A. Myruski602Sep 04, 2024more...
Joseph H. Ostrander631Sep 29, 2024more...
Steven A. Piciocchi616Aug 26, 2024more...
Aaron Scott634Sep 04, 2024more...
Dylan Skurnick630Oct 08, 2024more...
Eric D. Spencer622Sep 08, 2024more...
Riley J. Stong626Sep 03, 2024more...
Lesa V. Valastro600Sep 23, 2024more...

700 Series

Bernie Arce Jr.755Sep 30, 2024more...
Derek Bailey769Sep 03, 2024more...
Tim R. Bardin714Sep 11, 2024more...
Steven Belgiovene714Sep 05, 2024more...
Zachary T. Bilyeu706Sep 05, 2024more...
Philip A. Bruno Jr.709Sep 09, 2024more...
Matthew T. Bush713Sep 04, 2024more...
Frank (AJ) A. Celli721Sep 05, 2024more...
Joseph J. Como Jr.701Sep 24, 2024more...
Robert A. Curry707Sep 24, 2024more...
Gregory M. Curtis710Sep 08, 2024more...
Marvin E. Davies Jr.701Sep 11, 2024more...
Dominick E. Decker710Sep 17, 2024more...
Derek C. Delaney769Sep 23, 2024more...
Samantha K. Eisentraut706Sep 09, 2024more...
Devyn K. Embler716Sep 18, 2024more...
Steven J. Fairweather Jr.712Sep 05, 2024more...
Kyle Felter726Sep 24, 2024more...
Eric B. Ferguson712Sep 24, 2024more...
Joseph M. Flood701Sep 24, 2024more...
David M. Garlinghouse700Sep 12, 2024more...
George E. Garrison747Sep 25, 2024more...
Matthew E. Gayton716Sep 12, 2024more...
Matthew C. Gekakis704Sep 17, 2024more...
Joshua Gentile704Sep 11, 2024more...
Chester E. Grant737Sep 23, 2024more...
Thomas M. Griffin710Sep 23, 2024more...
Marcus F. Guzman740Sep 30, 2024more...
Edward J. Hoag703Sep 12, 2024more...
Paul Holzheid740Aug 26, 2024more...
Jonathan D. Horn767Sep 04, 2024more...
John Jashembowski701Sep 04, 2024more...
Jason D. Keown713Sep 23, 2024more...
Joshua C. Kolbinskie733Sep 22, 2024more...
Justin J. Kolbinskie704Oct 06, 2024more...
Matthew C. Lawrence719Oct 02, 2024more...
John A. Maloy743Sep 09, 2024more...
Frank G. Mandato III724Sep 16, 2024more...
Eric M. Mannese729Sep 29, 2024more...
John A. Martin732Sep 04, 2024more...
Jeffrey W. Masci700Sep 19, 2024more...
John C. Morin III734Sep 08, 2024more...
George J. Neidlinger710Oct 02, 2024more...
Stephen W. Richner721Sep 23, 2024more...
Stephen A. Rogers725Sep 09, 2024more...
Gerard Romolo735Sep 19, 2024more...
James H. Schoenleber743Sep 05, 2024more...
William A. Scholl721Sep 23, 2024more...
Jaryl D. Scott796Sep 11, 2024more...
Stephen A. Seneca702Sep 05, 2024more...
Milton J. Smith724Sep 19, 2024more...
Dan J. Stadler701Sep 10, 2024more...
David A. Stoebling720Sep 19, 2024more...
Billy P. Tarsio714Sep 03, 2024more...
Pamela N. Tarsio747Sep 03, 2024more...
John J. Thiell706Sep 10, 2024more...
Chris M. Vanriper705Oct 03, 2024more...
Michael J. Vanriper724Sep 11, 2024more...
Fred B. Wanzer727Sep 09, 2024more...
Garrett R. Wanzer721Sep 09, 2024more...
Marvin Warner715Sep 25, 2024more...
Matthew J. Weller744Sep 12, 2024more...

275 Game

Pedro J. Agapito III279Sep 10, 2024more...
Bernie Arce Jr.297Sep 30, 2024more...
Charles P. Babb277Oct 02, 2024more...
Philip A. Bruno Jr.279Sep 09, 2024more...
Gregory M. Curtis278Sep 08, 2024more...
Dominick E. Decker287Oct 01, 2024more...
Paul M. Decker278Oct 08, 2024more...
Samantha K. Eisentraut279Sep 09, 2024more...
Steven M. Ewanciw278Sep 12, 2024more...
Steven J. Fairweather Jr.279Sep 04, 2024more...
Kyle Felter277Sep 24, 2024more...
Joseph M. Flood279Sep 10, 2024more...
David M. Garlinghouse279Sep 12, 2024more...
Theresa E. Gayton289Sep 04, 2024more...
Joshua Gentile289Sep 11, 2024more...
Michael R. Holt278Sep 23, 2024more...
Jonathan D. Horn297Sep 04, 2024more...
John Jashembowski277Sep 04, 2024more...
Dominick A. Margiotta279Sep 24, 2024more...
John A. Martin288Oct 03, 2024more...
Jennifer Matteson289Sep 15, 2024more...
Michael L. Merrill278Sep 09, 2024more...
John V. Miller Jr.289Sep 30, 2024more...
John C. Morin III298Sep 08, 2024more...
George J. Neidlinger279Sep 11, 2024more...
Jose A. Rondon Sr.279Sep 09, 2024more...
Aaron E. Rubinstein285Sep 17, 2024more...
Charles J. Schofield279Sep 29, 2024more...
William A. Scholl278Sep 23, 2024more...
Jaryl D. Scott279Sep 11, 2024more...
Stephen A. Seneca278Sep 12, 2024more...
Chris M. Slattery289Aug 26, 2024more...
Kyle Stevens279Sep 09, 2024more...
Pamela N. Tarsio289Sep 03, 2024more...
David V. Tragis Jr.276Oct 03, 2024more...
Chris M. Vanriper289Sep 19, 2024more...
Marvin Warner288Sep 25, 2024more...
Matthew J. Weller279Sep 12, 2024more...

200 Game

(160 average or less)

Pattie A. Bates212Sep 22, 2024more...
Jed Binder210Oct 09, 2024more...
Matthew J. Cashen201Sep 03, 2024more...
Donna R. Celentano211Sep 30, 2024more...
Rosetta Davis201Oct 07, 2024more...
Jeremiah J. Dorsey205Sep 08, 2024more...
Jon P. Edouard211Oct 03, 2024more...
Joseph J. Giglio202Sep 19, 2024more...
Charles D. Greene214Oct 06, 2024more...
Mark A. Hackett209Oct 02, 2024more...
Elijah Hameed213Oct 06, 2024more...
Durleen R. Hamilton203Sep 05, 2024more...
Mark A. Idsall203Sep 03, 2024more...
Edward J. Jones212Sep 24, 2024more...
Ronald R. Kalin221Sep 10, 2024more...
Melissa M. Kelley217Sep 25, 2024more...
Constance Kinsley200Sep 29, 2024more...
Phyllis Kugler202Sep 04, 2024more...
Eric P. Marburger201Oct 01, 2024more...
Andrew G. Meier Sr.205Oct 02, 2024more...
Brandon P. Miller201Oct 06, 2024more...
Gale A. Naugle213Oct 02, 2024more...
Phillip Peterson200Sep 10, 2024more...
Ralph G. Quimby200Sep 09, 2024more...
James Riccardi202Sep 24, 2024more...
Cindee J. Rometo203Sep 18, 2024more...
Katarina E. Shauger217Sep 03, 2024more...
Judith Sunda200Sep 19, 2024more...
Kim Tague207Sep 11, 2024more...
Tanya Taylor202Sep 10, 2024more...
Brandon Ulrichs200Sep 03, 2024more...
Elizabeth L. Vadala200Sep 05, 2024more...
Matthew Vogini214Sep 19, 2024more...
Roger K. Walters III203Sep 10, 2024more...
Gary S. Williams215Oct 02, 2024more...
Helen A. Williams213Sep 19, 2024more...
Dennis Wilson Jr.205Sep 19, 2024more...
John K. Zupan208Oct 08, 2024more...

100 Pins Over Game

Carol A. Debiec232Oct 03, 2024more...
Mark A. Idsall265Sep 10, 2024more...

400 Series

(120 average or less)

Randy Anderson410Sep 10, 2024more...
Jacqui Budakowski405Oct 01, 2024more...
Janet G. Kaley419Sep 12, 2024more...
Patricia B. Mayo406Sep 19, 2024more...
January R. Mesiti410Sep 24, 2024more...
Susan M. Stone405Sep 05, 2024more...
Kelley Varas419Sep 09, 2024more...
Wes S. Vincent405Oct 09, 2024more...

500 Series

(145 average or less)

Jeffrey Bulson517Sep 03, 2024more...
Carol A. Debiec537Oct 03, 2024more...
Eugene A. Ghiotti Sr.513Sep 10, 2024more...
Durleen R. Hamilton506Sep 05, 2024more...
Jackie Lake541Sep 09, 2024more...
Phillip Peterson504Sep 10, 2024more...
Mark Ricco510Oct 08, 2024more...
Cindee J. Rometo524Sep 18, 2024more...
Gary S. Williams529Oct 02, 2024more...
Billy S. Zaimes523Sep 17, 2024more...

150 Game

(120 average or less)

Randy Anderson152Sep 10, 2024more...
Jacqui Budakowski173Oct 01, 2024more...
Natalya M. Camacho155Oct 07, 2024more...
Daleann Cruver155Sep 12, 2024more...
Mitchell Fuller150Sep 03, 2024more...
May C. Hernandez152Sep 05, 2024more...
Margaret Jonasch166Sep 04, 2024more...
Janet G. Kaley155Sep 12, 2024more...
Herta Koenig154Oct 07, 2024more...
Olivia Lendle165Oct 08, 2024more...
Isabella F. Lyman159Oct 07, 2024more...
Joan Marra152Sep 05, 2024more...
January R. Mesiti168Sep 24, 2024more...
J'anna P. Padmore150Sep 30, 2024more...
Susan M. Stone157Sep 05, 2024more...
Juanita O. Vangelder154Oct 07, 2024more...
Kelley Varas164Sep 09, 2024more...
Wes S. Vincent150Oct 02, 2024more...

175 Game

(140 average or less)

James H. Barley176Sep 15, 2024more...
Trasey D. Barres193Oct 06, 2024more...
Denise Bavaro183Sep 08, 2024more...
Brenda S. Blackburn177Sep 12, 2024more...
Sarah L. Blackinton185Sep 05, 2024more...
Samantha E. Bruno187Sep 24, 2024more...
Carol Jean Bull-Knuth183Sep 18, 2024more...
Bonnie M. Burgoyne187Sep 05, 2024more...
Rosetta Davis179Sep 18, 2024more...
Carol A. Debiec184Oct 03, 2024more...
Taryn Earl193Sep 11, 2024more...
Anthony P. Ferraiuolo III175Oct 08, 2024more...
Elijah Hameed197Sep 22, 2024more...
Adam Kowalczik178Sep 05, 2024more...
Stephanie E. Malone180Sep 10, 2024more...
Karen L. Moriarty179Sep 03, 2024more...
Regina M. Murphy180Sep 11, 2024more...
Nelson Oliveras196Sep 10, 2024more...
Wallesca Penz180Sep 22, 2024more...
Mark Ricco181Oct 08, 2024more...
Edgardo Rodriguez178Sep 09, 2024more...
Juanita O. Vangelder176Sep 11, 2024more...
James Weed182Sep 10, 2024more...
Meagan A. Weller176Sep 12, 2024more...

300 Game Local

Derek C. Delaney300Sep 16, 2024more...
Kyle Stevens300Sep 16, 2024more...

800 Plaque

Pedro J. Agapito III802Sep 10, 2024more...
Derek C. Delaney817Sep 16, 2024more...
Joseph J. Powell801Sep 03, 2024more...

11 In A Row

Bernie Arce Jr.297Sep 30, 2024more...
Chris G. Blaison299Sep 24, 2024more...
Joshua Gentile290Sep 18, 2024more...
Jonathan D. Horn297Sep 04, 2024more...
John C. Morin III298Sep 08, 2024more...
Joseph J. Powell279Sep 17, 2024more...
Matthew S. Terwilliger290Sep 12, 2024more...

225 Game

(180 average or less)

Ryan R. Bilyeu232Sep 22, 2024more...
Christine M. Brezovsky226Sep 25, 2024more...
Jeffrey A. Brown227Oct 06, 2024more...
Amanda Cannizzaro225Sep 04, 2024more...
Darryl Collins232Oct 08, 2024more...
Barry W. Conklin Jr.231Sep 18, 2024more...
Carol A. Debiec232Oct 03, 2024more...
Nicholas Degennaro229Sep 05, 2024more...
Chris M. Dell'accio244Sep 11, 2024more...
Russell J. Doolittle233Oct 03, 2024more...
Gary H. Ferguson227Sep 10, 2024more...
Robert A. Galeano226Oct 08, 2024more...
Charles D. Greene233Sep 25, 2024more...
Dawn E. Gregg-Scarpulla225Sep 10, 2024more...
Joseph H. Hall225Oct 09, 2024more...
Michael E. Holt Sr.235Sep 16, 2024more...
Stephen J. Kearns225Sep 19, 2024more...
Michael P. Keenan225Sep 19, 2024more...
Daniel V. Leszczynski231Sep 12, 2024more...
Glenn E. Looney225Sep 25, 2024more...
Morgan L. Martinez236Sep 18, 2024more...
Michael A. Maurer244Sep 08, 2024more...
Elizabeth M. Mccombs239Sep 05, 2024more...
Deshauna Mcqueen244Oct 09, 2024more...
Brian Merrill244Sep 22, 2024more...
James D. Miedema Jr.232Sep 19, 2024more...
Gary A. Mills Jr.225Oct 03, 2024more...
Kimberlee Morley233Sep 04, 2024more...
Chris J. Muir237Sep 05, 2024more...
Samanth Jo Muller228Sep 24, 2024more...
Patricia A. Myruski246Sep 04, 2024more...
Laresko Niifa233Sep 04, 2024more...
Steven A. Piciocchi245Aug 26, 2024more...
Rudy Rodriguez III231Sep 10, 2024more...
Michael R. Schoonmaker226Sep 22, 2024more...
Aaron Scott236Sep 04, 2024more...
Dylan Skurnick235Sep 24, 2024more...
Stephen C. Spellman237Sep 24, 2024more...
Eric D. Spencer227Sep 08, 2024more...
Riley J. Stong231Sep 03, 2024more...
Anthony Tuccillo247Sep 03, 2024more...
Richard A. Vandunk249Sep 22, 2024more...
Erin Varas225Sep 05, 2024more...
Jake A. Wehr234Sep 10, 2024more...
AJ Williams247Sep 25, 2024more...

250 Game

(200 average or less)

Kutory T. Alexander256Sep 12, 2024more...
Andre K. Atkins255Sep 18, 2024more...
Frank G. Austin250Sep 26, 2024more...
Steven Belgiovene253Sep 05, 2024more...
Richard Budakowski257Sep 05, 2024more...
Matthew T. Bush266Sep 04, 2024more...
Matt R. Carl266Sep 09, 2024more...
Steven B. Goodrich257Sep 18, 2024more...
Chester E. Grant256Sep 23, 2024more...
Kris R. Hamilton256Oct 03, 2024more...
Mark A. Idsall265Sep 10, 2024more...
Christopher M. Jones255Sep 15, 2024more...
Joseph A. Kaufmann254Sep 23, 2024more...
Mark A. Kowalczik257Sep 09, 2024more...
Michael J. Lemin II256Sep 10, 2024more...
John Marasa268Aug 26, 2024more...
Dominick A. Margiotta255Sep 03, 2024more...
William Mccollum258Sep 11, 2024more...
Francisco Morales II256Sep 15, 2024more...
Donovan Morin264Sep 11, 2024more...
Debra Napolitano255Sep 04, 2024more...
Tyler R. Ofeldt255Sep 25, 2024more...
Jannine M. Petruzzini254Sep 22, 2024more...
Anthony J. Petutis253Sep 12, 2024more...
Stephen W. Richner258Sep 09, 2024more...
Richard J. Scalia Jr.258Oct 06, 2024more...
Shad E. Scarpulla255Sep 05, 2024more...
Daniel R. Schiavone254Sep 10, 2024more...
William Schubert258Sep 04, 2024more...
Timothy M. Sheridan258Sep 15, 2024more...
Rodney S. Smith269Oct 08, 2024more...
David J. Stawski257Sep 05, 2024more...
Kevin M. Stewart254Sep 12, 2024more...
Marvin Warner252Aug 26, 2024more...
Carl M. Wilms268Oct 01, 2024more...
William P. Zopf266Sep 18, 2024more...

Previous Season Achievements



High Series

Bill Howell III



High Series

Jennifer Matteson