USBC Awards & Applications

USBC Awards & Applications

The USBC has made some changes to the award structure, and made some design changes to some of the pre-existing awards.  To get a glimpse of these awards, check out the link below.  If you need more award applications for High Scores or Special Achievements, you can also download them by clicking the link below.


Mid-Hudson Awards


USBC Awards & Applications


2007-08 USBC Award Changes


Monthly Meeting

Ask any Officer or Director for details


2024-2025 Honor Board

The honor board displays awards based on the season the awards were achieved. However, the award processing fiscal year for USBC is 8/1 through 7/31. Bowlers are eligible for awards during USBC's award processing fiscal year which starts/ends in the middle of summer leagues. If you are trying to verify a bowler is eligible for an award in the current WINTER season, you must also check the previous season achievements to see if the award was achieved on or after 8/1.

There are no honor scores for this season at this time.

Previous Season Achievements



High Series

Bill Howell III



High Series

Jennifer Matteson