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Hall of Fame

2023 Inductees


Robert Santarsiero was elected into the Mid-Hudson USBC Hall of Fame for Ability. Robert Santarsiero also known as “Gator” and “Bob-O” was elected into the Mid- Hudson USBC Hall of Fame for Ability. Robert Santarsiero was born in 1962 in Port Chester, NY to his parents, William and Lillian Santarsiero. Bob has been an Engineering Manager since 2009 at The Okonite Company in NJ. He met his partner Joanne in 2012. Together they raised three children, Kaitlyn, Michael and Gabriel.

Robert moved to the Hudson Valley in 2003 where he currently resides in New Windsor. Robert started bowling at the age of 7 at Rye Ridge Bowling in Port Chester, NY. Since starting his bowling career, Robert has bowled 6 300 games of which he has had one at Greenwich Lanes, Elmsford Lanes, Southern Dutchess Bowl, Bowlmor White Plains and two at Tarsio Lanes. He has also bowled one 800 series at Tarsio Lanes and numerous 11 in a row games. In addition to his passion for bowling, Bob also shares a passion for golf and sports. He is looking forward to retirement in just a few short years.

Congratulations Bob-O!

Welcome to the Hall of Fame!!


Wayne Sniffen, Jr. was elected into the Mid-Hudson USBC Hall of Fame for Ability. Wayne Sniffen Jr was born in Middletown, New York to Wayne and Joan Sniffen in 1971. His love for bowling started at the early age of 4 and continues to this day 45 years later. He has had many 300 games during his career, but you will never know that because he does not go around bragging about them. He gives advice to his teammates when he sees them struggling which in return makes them better their games. He is an inspiration to many and has deserved this nomination into the hall of fame. It takes a special person to be as dedicated as him to their bowling career and never give up. To still have love like his for the sport after 45 years is truly remarkable and deserves to be recognized.

His bowling career started in the Middletown Elks youth league. There were a few years in the middle of the youth bowling when he had bowled in the 17-84 Elks youth league under Ed Klein, to only return to Middletown Elks youth league in Middletown lanes under the leading coach Joe Congo. A few of the achievements in the Middletown youth league as the 1st bowler of the year and shooting the 1st 700 series in the youth league. At the age of 15 had started to bowl the Junior Bowling Tour which was on Saturday afternoon and was bowled in a different bowling alley every Saturday, and bowled Sundays for Junior Bowling Tour in New York or Pennsylvania.

Making the jump from the youth leagues to the adult leagues and bowling a few years in these leagues. This was when he had applied for the PBA in 1995, and bowled a few regionals over this time, and bowled in multiple leagues during the week. Have maintained at least a 200 average for multiple years in the association, and still an active member of the PBA today.

He has had multiple accomplishments that throughout the years of bowling. Bowling 24 300 games and 5 800 series and having multiple 11 in-a-row games as well as 299 games. These accomplishments have been bowled in different bowling establishments throughout the association. His passion and love for bowling lead to him opening a pro shop with his partner and gets to spend all his free time laying out balls not only for himself but for his friends and family as well as customers. The pro shop is called More Power Pro Shop which is located inside Quinnz Pinz. He had also completed the level 1 coaching certification with the RVP to help coach the youth league bowlers. He was recognized for his achievements by Motiv bowling ball company to be a staffer for 6 years. This has also been recognized by having a staff position with Turbo 2in1 Grip company for the same number of years. He has also just recently been added to a staff position with I AM Bowling shirt company, which was previously with Logo Infusion. He has also held offices in multiple leagues that he had bowled in from being the Sergeant of Arms in the Thursday night league in colonial lanes, to being the President of the youth league for a year, and President of the Wednesday 3 person league in Quinnz Pinz.

Congratulations Wayne!

Welcome to the Hall of Fame!!